Breast Cancer Control Policy 2017

Breast Cancer Self Examination
26th November 2018
The Cancer Alliance today continues its series on the Breast Cancer Control Policy with Section 2: Awareness and Prevention.
South Africa’s new Breast Cancer Control Policy is a vital document aimed at prioritising breast cancer awareness, prevention, treatment and care in South Africa. Once fully implemented, it will secure access to a network of dedicated regional breast units that will not only improve early detection rates, but also establish guidelines for optimal treatment and palliative care to help drive down death rates from this cancer, which has become a leading cause of death of South African women.
The case for early detection is very clear: In South Africa, the majority of women with breast cancer are diagnosed when their disease is already advanced, resulting in five-year survival rates from 40% to as low as just 10%. If, however, they lived elsewhere, where early detection and basic treatment are both available and accessible, their five-year survival rate for early localised breast cancer would be a comparative more than 80%.
It is exactly for this reason – to avoid unnecessary suffering and death – that improving early detection rates is top of the list of strategic objectives for the country’s new Breast Cancer Control Policy.
Cancer Alliance Members are requested to download the new Social Media Package, which contains copies of all the graphics for use on social media, the planned publication schedule, and details of how to post each meme.
Click here to go directly to this new section: Breast Cancer Policy: Awareness and Prevention.
Click here to read more about the Breast Cancer Prevention and Control Policy...