The Cancer Alliance welcomes your support. Together, let’s ensure we #LeaveNoOneBehind.
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for Equity
Our Members
and News
Who we are

The Cancer Alliance is a collective group of cancer control non-profit organisations and cancer advocates brought together under a common mandate, to provide a platform of collaboration for cancer civil society to speak with one voice and be a powerful tool to affect change for all South African adults and children affected by cancer.

How We Work
The Cancer Alliance is managed by the Executive Committee (EXCO), which is elected by and drawn from our member organizations. All EXCO members contribute their time and effort on a voluntary basis, and are supported by their own organizations where necessary.
Cancer Alliance Members pay an annual membership fee which is used for minimal day to day expenses.
The Cancer Alliance does not compete with its own members in fund raising. Our projects are funded by grants and donations made by organizations, usually to support a specific objective of the Cancer Alliance.
The objectives of the Cancer Alliance are expressed in our 2024 Strategic Plan as: Focus on equitable access to cancer care and treatment
- Build the capacity of cancer advocates
- Focus on transparency, openness and respect
- Increase cancer advocates at community level to promote sustainable prevention and care
- Increase funding and sustainability through fund development and grant funding
- Build the brand of the Cancer Alliance as ONE VOICE