

Cancer Alliance Members may register here to access information and documents reserved for Members.

  1. Enter a unique User name. This can be anything you like but may not contain any spaces. EG: “John Smith” is not acceptable but “JohnSmith” will work.
  2. Enter your Email address. It is important that you have access to this mailbox as the system will send your confirmation to this address. Note also that an email address can only be used by one user. So if you register two or more people from your organization they must use different email addresses.
  3. Enter a password of your choice. And make a note of it somewhere!
  4. Click the Register button and your application will be forwarded to the site administrator.
  5. When your registration is accepted you will receive an email to complete the registration process.


This is a resource page for Cancer Alliance members and Affiliates. If you need help please email  us on