Project Flamingo
Project Flamingo provides timely surgeries, compassionate support and holistic care to breast cancer patients at five key hospitals in the public health sector. We work to strengthen existing infrastructure and alleviate pressure on long waiting times in two active provinces, to provide timely care to the most vulnerable. Our exceptional volunteer medical staff, dedicated patient support groups and operational team deliver a distinct set of impactful interventions targeting the critical phases of a breast cancer journey where saving time means saving a life.
Association of Palliative Care Centres (APCC)
APCC was founded in 1987 in response to requests from individual hospices for a national organisation. APCC currently has over 90 member organisations in all nine provinces which provide palliative care services to patients and their families – most of whom receive support through care provided in the patient’s own home. Our vision is “To promote quality in life, dignity in death and support in bereavement for all living with a life-threatening illness by supporting member hospices and partner organisations.
Breast Cancer Support Pretoria NPO
Breast Cancer Support Pretoria bases its support on three pillars: training volunteers to educate their communities, raising awareness, and providing care packages and support for recently diagnosed patients. The need for breast Cancer education is the driving force behind all our activities. We want to change the perception and fear associated with breast cancer and promote jobs as volunteers in our NPO for community education outreaches. We want to break the cultural and socio-economic barrier associated with breast cancer and promote engagement of youth through our breast education drives.
Breast Course 4 Nurses
Breast Course for Nurses is a not for profit organisation that is aimed at equipping primary health care nurses with the knowledge required to manage patients with breast problems. The course combines distance learning with a residential course and equips nurses with the skills to manage women with breast problems. In the absence of regular mammography, clinical breast examination is crucial. The focus is on primary nurses working in low middle income countries where there are no state financed breast cancer screening facilities.
Breast Health Foundation
The Breast Health Foundation (BHF) was established in 2002, dedicated to educating the public on breast cancer and breast health, raising awareness, and empowering women. Since its inception, BHF has evolved into a transparent and impactful organisation, reaching women nationwide. The funds raised are directed towards educating women about the importance of self-examination and regular medical check-ups. Our team of breast cancer survivors provides crucial informative and psycho-social support, creating a safe space where women and their support network feel comfortable discussing their concerns.
Cancer Association of South Africa
A leader in the fight against cancer since 1931, the vision of the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) is to lead South Africa towards a cancer free society. Its mission is to enable research, educate the public and advocate for and support all people affected by cancer. Our advocacy team strives to ensure that South African policy makers are aware of important cancer control issues, and that patients’ right to healthcare is protected. CANSA aims to ensure that no-one faces cancer alone, receiving support throughout their cancer journey.
Cancer Heroes
Cancer Heroes‘ founding statement is based on the principle that all its relationships, commercial and non-commercial will be utilised to develop successful methods of promoting its objectives, attempting wherever possible to include as many individuals requiring assistance, especially the poor and needy and medically disenfranchised. These objectives are held within the 4 divisions in Cancer Heroes for Education, Early Detection, Advocacy and Support.
Care for Cancer Foundation
Care for Cancer Foundation is dedicated to bridging the gap between patients and medical attention. We assist patients who can’t afford medical procedures like mammograms, endoscopies, colonoscopies, biopsies, MRI scans, CT scans. We also assist by providing stoma bags, adult nappies, Ensure and other consumables recommended to patients by their doctors. We aid with food vouchers and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
CHOC Childhood Cancer Foundation SA provides comprehensive countrywide support for children and teenagers with cancer or life-threatening blood disorders, and their families. CHOC offers emotional, palliative and practical support. The practical support includes basic necessities such as Carebags, nutritional support (food parcels) and bereavement support for the children and their families. The majority of families CHOC assists come from extremely impoverished areas. CHOC’s head office is in Johannesburg, with six regional offices offering services and support to patients in South Africa.
DKMS Africa
The DKMS Group is one of the most significant non-profit organisations in the world dedicated to fighting blood cancer and blood disorders. With twelve entities, a global presence in seven countries on five continents and a strong commitment to saving lives, we work tirelessly to connect patients with matching blood stem cell donors. Our mission is to increase the number of potential donors worldwide, enhance the ethnic diversity of our database, provide life-saving transplants to patients in need, and improve patient outcomes.
The Glynnis Gale Foundation, UK
We aim to be a beacon of hope in raising awareness of asbestos exposure and asbestos-related diseases like Mesothelioma. We’re dedicated to alerting the public about asbestos dangers, but our mission doesn’t end at awareness; it extends to research, improving the standard of care for those suffering from the disease in South Africa. Our vision is unambiguous: we want best practices for asbestos management and assure access to palliative care access for those affected. Join us in our key areas: Advocacy, Education, Research, and Palliative Care.
Living with Cancer SA
Living With Cancer (LWC) is a non-profit organisation that provides a platform where South Africans can capture, track and share their cancer journey. LWC’s mission is to serve as a dynamic repository dedicated to recording the cases of cancer diagnoses among South Africans. Our objective is to contribute to the ongoing efforts to combat the cancer crisis in SA. The data will offer invaluable insights, enabling more informed and streamlined decision-making in the management of cancer. We unite patients and oncology teams, emphasising collaboration and patient advocacy.
Look Good Feel Better
Look Good Feel Better is the only international cancer support charity, covering all cancers that helps women and men manage the visible side effects of cancer treatment. Our aim is to greatly increase people’s confidence and self-esteem at a very difficult time in their lives by hosting skin care and make-up workshops in public and private hospitals throughout SA. The program is valued by oncology teams as an integral part of a holistic treatment of cancer patients.
Love Your Nuts Foundation
The goal of Love Your Nuts is to raise awareness of testicular cancer by educating communities about this cancer that often remains undetected in young adults due to our diverse society in South Africa, where cultural taboos, stigmas, and a lack of knowledge about the subject is widespread. When we fail to provide knowledge to the next generation, they have fewer opportunities of living a healthy lifestyle to become future change agents in their communities. Our “Cancer Smart” gaming app, which includes ALL cancers, will uplift communities!
Lymphoedema Association of South Africa
LAOSA, the lymphoedema association of South Africa, aims to promote quality lymphoedema management and education in South Africa. We encourage and support research in the area of lymphology, lymphoedema and other oedemas particularly as they relate to the South African context. We consistently work to increase awareness of the diagnosis and treatment in the health care sector and general public. Contact us to become a member, to find a qualified lymphoedema therapist in your area or to learn more about our organisation.
Machi Filotimo Cancer Project
Our purpose is to create awareness about cancer, signs and symptoms and to promote early detection. We are proud to be supported by a multi-disciplinary team of medical professionals and institutions and can offer various services to cancer patients and their families. Our Filotimo Cancer Navigation and Cancer Champion programmes are available to those in need of emotional support, guidance and advice. We provide individualised assistance to patients to help overcome the challenges of the very daunting cancer journey, from diagnosis through treatment and into survivorship.
Men's Foundation
The Men’s Foundation’s mission is to address the 7-year lower life expectancy of South African men by addressing the primary causes of men dying prematurely from preventable causes, including prostate and testicular cancer, and depression through our suicide prevention campaigns. The Men’s Foundation collaborates with local and global organisations to advocate for the prioritisation of men’s health. Funds raised from our awareness and education campaigns are invested into survivorship and research programs addressing these vital, often ignored issues by addressing men’s health behaviours
National Council Against Smoking
The National Council Against Smoking (NCAS) was founded in 1976 and has played a leading role in advocating for evidence-based policies to control the use of tobacco, nicotine and related products. NCAS also provides cessation services through the National Quitline, supporting those looking to break free from the grip of nicotine addiction. In addition to this NCAS continues to play an active role in tobacco control advocacy and policy development in the SADC region, African region and globally.
Oncology Nursing Society of SA
The society aims to build a special interest group for nurses practicing in cancer and palliative care, creating a platform where nurses can communicate and exchange ideas, share evidence-based best practices and research in cancer and/or palliative care. We represent the voice of the oncology and palliative care nurse, providing access to resources and opportunities for networking within the profession, thus enabling our specialist nurses to practice within international standards of best and safest care.
The Pink Parasol Project
Our website is designed to help the patient locate a practitioner or therapist to aid them in their cancer journey and to ease the difficulties they may face. We believe knowledge is power and here we hope to give you the information you need to empower yourself on your cancer journey.
Pink Trees for Pauline
The aim of Pink Trees for Pauline is to raise funds to assist people and their families affected by cancer. The project was developed so that sustainability in as many towns and communities as possible is guaranteed. The organisation focuses solely on fundraising. Funds raised in a town must be allocated to the cancer community within that town, so the impact is immediately felt, with the town committee organising access to treatment; food parcels; prosthesis; toys for children affected by cancer; transport etc.
The Prostate Cancer Foundation
The aim of Pink Trees for Pauline is to raise funds to assist people and their families affected by cancer. The project was developed so that sustainability in as many towns and communities as possible is guaranteed. The organisation focuses solely on fundraising. Funds raised in a town must be allocated to the cancer community within that town, so the impact is immediately felt, with the town committee organising access to treatment; food parcels; prosthesis; toys for children affected by cancer; transport etc.
Reach for Recovery
Discover the empowering difference of Reach for Recovery (R4R), a leading volunteer-based breast cancer support organisation. We stand out as a nationwide organisation dedicated to providing purposeful patient support. Our core belief is beautifully simple yet profoundly impactful: one woman who has triumphed over breast cancer shares her invaluable time and wisdom to uplift and stand by another woman facing the same journey. This powerful bond of solidarity and shared experiences fuels the heart of R4R.
South African Animal Cancer Association
The Southern African Animal Cancer Association (SAACA) is the first organisation in Africa, and only the fourth in the world, to focus on cancer in animals. Veterinary oncology is a subspecialty of veterinary medicine that deals with cancer diagnosis and treatment in animals. Cancer is a major cause of death in pets, with as many as 45% of all the dogs 10 years or older dying of cancer, according to a study. SAACA supports cancer research at the Faculty of Veterinary Science at the University of Pretoria.
South African Oncology Social Workers’ Forum
The South African Oncology Social Worker Forum (SAOSWF) seeks to encourage excellence in the psychosocial care of people with cancer as well as their families and caregivers by promoting advocacy, ongoing education, professional networking and resource development for oncology and palliative social workers in South Africa. The SAOSWF facilitates monthly virtual information meetings and facilitates the psycho-social program at oncology conferences.
South Africa United Against Cancer SAUAC
South Africa United Against Cancer is a non-profit organisation based in the South of Johannesburg. It endeavours to bring about a paradigm change in the approach toward prevention of cancer by developing new communication and advocacy methods, and generating new knowledge on cancer through appropriate fundraising awareness campaigns. It facilitates the meeting of diverse cultures in sharing and learning from each other, educating and empowering individuals about cancer as a whole, promoting early detection, prevention and sustainability. It inspires action to reduce the stigma of cancer in communities.
Soweto Cancer Society
The Soweto Cancer Society seeks to address the rising incidence of late presentation to hospital by, inter alia, capacitating healthcare workers at local clinics in and around this township. The aim is to enhance skills in the early detection of cancer, linking the community with treatment facilities, thereby leading to early treatment and compliance. By leveraging and partnering with other stakeholders and advocacy groups, the SCS further aims to scale up awareness programmes, screening and preventative services including support groups within the community.
Wings of Hope Cancer Support Group
Wings of Hope Cancer Support is a Non-Profit Organisation initiated mainly by breast cancer survivors in 2012, who not only have undergone their own journey with cancer but have been trained in cancer support as well. We provide public information meetings, direct patient hospital visits and telephonic support. The Wings of Hope network extends to Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban, and remotely to patients globally.
Linda Greeff
Cancer Advocate
Linda is a masters-level social worker and an ovarian cancer survivor who has dedicated her life to the development of psycho-oncology in South Africa. She co-founded the South African Oncology Social Work Forum, fostering collaboration among professionals. As a co-founder of “People Living with Cancer” (or “Cancer Buddies”), she has played a vital role in cancer support and advocacy. For 13 years, Linda served on the Cancer Alliance’s Executive Committee, advocating for equitable cancer services in South Africa. She is co-author of several research articles shedding light on local cancer challenges.
Peter Hers
Cancer Advocate
After receiving treatment for melanoma in 2006, Peter became involved in a patient support group which eventually became the CanSurvive Cancer Support Group and served as chairman until 2014. In 2016 he joined the Cancer Alliance Exco and served until the end of 2019. Over the years he has provided support to melanoma patients, both in person and via telephone or internet communication. Now retired, he continues to have an interest in cancer matters and provide one-on-one support where required.
Paul Malherbe
Cancer Advocate
Paul is an economist dedicated to improving access to medicines in South Africa. Active in providing research support to the Cancer Alliance since early 2019, he has prepared reports calling for regulators to prioritise approval of trastuzumab biosimilars and for the Competition Commission to prosecute the excessive pricing of lenalidomide. He is also engaged in ongoing research comparing the prices and availability of cancer medicines in South Africa’s private and public healthcare sectors.
Colleen Marco
Cancer Advocate
Colleen Marco is a social and health activist and advocate for equitable, accessible, cost-effective cancer services, for the eradication of socio-political and economic determinants that contribute to cancer morbidity and mortality world-wide. With more than two decades in the cancer field, her experience spans cancer prevention, early detection, treatment, palliative care, research and capacity building. She represents the CA on the Technical Working Group and is the lead advocate in the advocacy task team to facilitate the development of advocacy, monitoring and evaluation strategies specifically related to the elimination of cervical cancer in South Africa.
Caroline Rich
Cancer Advocate
Caroline Rich was trained as a Radiographer at GSH and graduated in 1991 and thereafter started working in the pharmaceutical industry within the field of oncology and haematology. She was a member of a local NGO (haematology) as a volunteer for 12 years and part of what she did was establish the only official online Nurses Haematology Training Course in South Africa. She has now started working as a patient advocate in her individual capacity. Her goal is to improve and save the lives of those patients afflicted with blood cancers.
Samuel Zidawa
Cancer Advocate
An active Cancer Buddy since 2012 after the losing his wife to cervical cancer Samuel wanted to influence the manner in which caregivers and families are affected with a cancer diagnosis and the management of grief. His passion remains the elimination of cervical cancer through education, testing, and early detection. Navigating migrant worker access to cancer care is another field of interest.
Affiliated Members: Community Organizations
Ari's Cancer Foundation Affiliated Members: Community Organizations
The mission of ARI’S CANCER FOUNDATION is to create cancer awareness amongst the the Adolescence and Young Adults (AYA) Group. To provide assistance and support to the AYA group and families. To provide innovative and youth friendly spaces for treatment. To collaborate with likeminded organisations.
Rainbows and Smiles
The mission of Rainbows and Smiles is to provide emotional, social and financial support to families and caregivers in need when a child (or children) of that family is diagnosed with cancer. Rainbows and Smiles encourage childhood cancer advocacy and GOLD RIBBON AWARENESS to educate people, in the hope of promoting early detection.